I understand that participating in dance is participating in a physical activity. I understand that risks are involved, as with any dance/sport participation. I do not hold Havilah Dance Company responsible for injury, or property loss or damage, while my child is participating at Havilah Dance Company dance studio, located at 10058 East Independence Blvd., Matthews, NC, or at any Havilah Dance Company event or outside activity including recital, competitions, or rehearsals. I voluntarily assume the risks associated with such participation. I do not hold any of the directors (Brooke Hardiman, Brittany Vachon, Gail Dawkins) or any Havilah Dance Company staff member responsible. I understand that sometimes dancers engage in special activities, such as performing on props. I understand that these activities carry a risk for injury. I understand that I am responsible for carrying my own health insurance policy for my child.